Moon Knight Trailer

Do you like Batman?  Good, me too.  Obviously we have The Batman coming in early March, but right behind that is Marvel’s version of Batman, Moon Knight.  He’s like Batman, but dressed in white…and guided by an Egyptian deity known as Khonshu.  You know, brooding crime-fighter with emotional baggage…so, pretty similar.

Moon Knight will be the next Disney+/Marvel series to debut and you may have seen the above trailer during Sunday night’s NFL playoff game on ABC…another Disney property.  If the Marvel series track record is anything, Moon Knight should be another excellent series.  So far, only the initial Falcon & the Winter Soldier series has been lackluster.  The others (WandaVision, Loki & Hawkeye) have all been inventive, funny, genre-bending eye-feasts.

Oscar Isaac stars as the main character who seems to be having a bit of an identity crisis in the trailer.  Also, Oscar Isaac is the acting world’s version of Dave Grohl.  How can one dude be in so many things?  You might remember him from the most recent Star Wars Trilogy, Dune, The Addams Family, The Addams Family 2, Scenes From A Marriage…you get the idea.  Although I’m not sure what’s up with his British accent.
Moon Knight debuts on Disney+ March 30th. – Jacka